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 ECI Environmental Consultants
& Engineers, LLC

Qualified UST Consultant

Building a Better Way


UST Involvement/Site Assessment and


Site Assessment and Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA)




City of Mt Clemens wanted to purchase the subject property from Fifth Third Bank. Historically, gasoline stations once occupied the north and south ends of the subject property. City of Mt Clemens retained ECI to perform a Phase 1 ASTM 1527,  Phase 2 ASTM 1903 Subsurface Investigation to delineate horizontal and vertical extent of contamination, and BEA for Determination. Engaged MISS DIG to demarcate all utilities on the subject property.  Prepared a site specific HASP for work on the site.  Because site was once occupied by gasoline stations and USTs had been closed prior to current requirements, performed Phase 1 ESA and performed Phase 2 site investigation and delineated extent of contamination.  Designed and implemented scope of work to accomplish objective of delineating site.  Advanced borings with Geoprobe. Characterized site soil lithology in accordance with ASTM Standard Practice protocol and prepared boring logs.  Evaluated exposure pathways based on lab data.  Found VOCs, PCBs and metals that exceeded MDEQ’s Residential criteria.  No water was encountered on the site during the investigation,  Prepared  Section 7a Compliance Analysis . Prepared BEA document for client to submit for determination.  BEA was approved.


4 Months

Completed Projects:
•  Remediation Project •  Environmental Site Assesment •  UST Removal •  System Design •  Site Closure •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Release Closure •  Removal of Unregulated tanks •  Legal Involvement •  UST Involvement •  Subsurface Investigation •  Oversight Management •  Subsurface Investigation •  LUST Closure  •  Subsurface Investigation •  Super Fund Project •  Site Assessment •  UST Removal •  UST Involvement •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Involvement •  Consulting Institutional Controls •  Subsurface Investigation •  Sampling •  Identification of Location of UST •  UST Release Closure •  UST Closure •  Removal Oversight •  Site Closure •  Environmental Site Assessment •  Phase I ESA •  ESA for a Marina •  Limited Subsurface Investigation •  Residential Apartment Complex •  REC Evaluations •  Bulk/Commercial Fueling Station