The City of
Ecorse selected to conduct environmental activities that might
allow the return of this potentially valuable property back to
productive use. Wanted to transfer the property to a food store
chain for construction of a shopping center. Prior to this
subsurface investigation, performed a Phase 1 that identified
the existence of recognizable environmental conditions (RECs)
on portions of the subject property where two former dry
cleaners and a laundromat operated on the site. The release of
tetrachloroethylene at dry cleaner sites is a common occurrence
in Michigan. The objective of this project was to evaluate the
nature of soil and groundwater contamination, if present, and
recommend remedial procedures if found. Developed a HASP specific for
this project. Prior to engaging in field activities, contacted
MISS DIG to demarcate utilities. Prepared a soil testing grid
for the areas where the dry cleaner facilities formerly
existed. Using a Geoprobe, advanced shallow soil borings and
collected soil samples. Properly preserved the samples,
maintained them at <40C, and submitted them, along
with a trip blank, under chain of custody to a qualified
independent laboratory for analysis of chlorinated solvents
Assessed the analytical data and prepared a written report that
included: a description of all field activities, analytical
methodologies and results, soil boring logs, and a scaled map
with sampling locations, identifying areas impacted by
contamination, and a site layout drawing to provide spatial
relationships. |