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 ECI Environmental Consultants
& Engineers, LLC

Qualified UST Consultant

Building a Better Way


Project:    SAF Grant # 454767-B

Site Assessment Subsurface Investigation


The City of Ecorse selected to conduct environmental activities that might allow the return of this potentially valuable property back to productive use. Wanted to transfer the property to a food store chain for construction of a shopping center.  Prior to this subsurface investigation, performed a Phase 1 that identified the existence of  recognizable environmental conditions (RECs) on portions of the subject property where two former dry cleaners and a laundromat operated on the site.  The release of tetrachloroethylene at dry cleaner sites is a common occurrence in Michigan.  The objective of this project was to evaluate the nature of soil and groundwater contamination, if present, and recommend remedial procedures if found.   Developed a HASP specific for this project.  Prior to engaging in field activities, contacted MISS DIG to demarcate utilities.  Prepared a soil testing grid for the areas where the dry cleaner facilities formerly existed.  Using a Geoprobe, advanced shallow soil borings and collected soil samples.  Properly preserved the samples, maintained them at <40C, and submitted them, along with a trip blank,  under chain of custody to a qualified independent laboratory for analysis of chlorinated solvents  Assessed the analytical data and prepared a written report that included: a description of all field activities, analytical methodologies and results, soil boring logs, and a scaled map with sampling locations, identifying areas impacted by contamination, and a site layout drawing to provide spatial relationships. 


11 Months

Completed Projects:
•  Remediation Project •  Environmental Site Assesment •  UST Removal •  System Design •  Site Closure •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Release Closure •  Removal of Unregulated tanks •  Legal Involvement •  UST Involvement •  Subsurface Investigation •  Oversight Management •  Subsurface Investigation •  LUST Closure  •  Subsurface Investigation •  Super Fund Project •  Site Assessment •  UST Removal •  UST Involvement •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Involvement •  Consulting Institutional Controls •  Subsurface Investigation •  Sampling •  Identification of Location of UST •  UST Release Closure •  UST Closure •  Removal Oversight •  Site Closure •  Environmental Site Assessment •  Phase I ESA •  ESA for a Marina •  Limited Subsurface Investigation •  Residential Apartment Complex •  REC Evaluations •  Bulk/Commercial Fueling Station